Friday, April 22, 2011

I could make a deal..

I've been researching hospitals in TN that have good maternity wards. I found this one in Nashville, which yes, is 50 mins away but that's not that far considering. But I really like the feel from their website about how their maternity ward is run. It also is well designed and offers a lot of information which I found a lot of the other hospitals did not. Obviously, we will have to go do a walk through to see what you and I both think but I think I would be comfortable having our little one there. I'm going to upload their site so you can take a look at it when you have a chance. Mom and I are going to take a trip up to TN to explore where we could look for a house. I'm gonna ask her to do a walk through at the hospital with me too if that's ok with you. That way I can meet the drs and get a feel from them sooner than later. The longer I am under their care the more comfortable I will be with having the baby in TN. Is that ok?

Check out the virtual tours if you can. Cool. lol

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