Sunday, April 10, 2011

Fudpuckers...yes...Fudpuckers... ;p

Hello love...

Today was such a better day..I think getting that load off my shoulders allowed for a major stress to be removed. I'm sorry if it added to yours but technically, for me, it's better that I'm not the stressed one. Overall, today was good. We hung out at the pool most of the day and really just relaxed. Perfect end to the week. I just got to talk to you on the phone for a minute and tell you about Fudpuckers. It was so much fun. Summer was so excited to see the different crocodiles and to hold one! She said that it liked her because it scratched her...not quite what I was thinking but to each their own, right? We also got a lot of funny pictures I think you'll get a laugh from. Enjoy!

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