Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hello Handsome

Hello babylove,

I'm sorry I didn't post while you were awake. I was so sleepy and not feeling great. I promise I'll be better about posting. Baby's just gonna have to give mommy a break. Work today went a bit faster than yesterday. We didn't really get started until 3:45 because the other two girls were late. So we ended up getting out quarter to six. I knew practically everything that we went over so that made me more confident about tomorrow. Just ready to get it done with and rake in the cash lol. It'll be ok love. I can handle these idiots. No worries. :)

I hope things are going well for you. I know it's frustrating being stuck and not with your unit. But you're gonna get there and be busy as ever. Which I know you're excited about. I just hope I still get to talk to you occasionally. Lol.

I'm having a hard time writing anything interesting..I am so tired. I just want to go to sleep but it's barely 8pm. And I need to study menu and bar items...bleh. I'm sorry baby...

I'm gonna get on a little later and post something more fun and happy, I promise. Just know I love you so much baby and miss you terribly. Always in my thoughts..

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