Sunday, June 26, 2011

St. Maurice

I haven't shared this prayer with you yet. But I say it from time to time and ask St. Maurice to protect you and bring you home to me. Maybe it will be a prayer you can use as well.


Saint Maurice, most blessed and honourable patron saint,
you who fought so valiantly on the battlefield of faith,
steadfastly opposed the tyranny of earthly rulers,
boldly confessed faith in the one true God,
and preferred to die by the sword rather than
to betray your Lord, Jesus Christ, pray for us.
O holy martyr and loyal soldier of Christ,
obtain for us the courage to persevere in truth,
to be a light in the darkness of the times in which we live,
and to defend the honour of the Church wherever it is opposed.
Obtain also for us the grace to endure patiently
all the trials and hardships of this life,
and to carry our cross in the spirit of prayer and self-denial.
In particular we ask you to obtain for us from God the following favour:
[mention your special request].
We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord.

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