Saturday, June 4, 2011

Baby Bump Video

There's no smiles on this one but a whole lot of tummy! Enjoy getting to see a 360 view of my tummy. Be nice...

I love you so much...

1 comment:

  1. Oh My God you are so beautiful baby. I can't wait to give you kisses all over that tummy! not to mention the lips i didnt get to see ;)

    I miss you so much baby. I miss your smiling face, im sorry im not there to make you smile more often. I guess i just want to see smiles so i know that even though we are apart, you are still finding happiness where you can. I love you so much my angel, you mean the whole world to me. I just want to be home and have you in my arms and spoil the heck out of you :) I never want to leave your side again baby...i love you with all my heart my beautiful.
