Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Summer at the Drs....

Summer was put on a nebulizer at the doctors. She has to do the breathing treatment every four to six hours. I have to put this medication in the tubes and she has to sit and breathe them in for a good 15 minutes. I have to even do it when she is sleeping. But luckily I have a mask I can put on her which means I don't have to wake her up every four hours. She's also on steriods for the next five days. Poor baby.. I hope this treatments knocks it out. Her temperature has been around 102 all day. Selfishly, I'm semi nervous about myself. Mainly because of the baby. I don't want to get sick.. I see the doctor on Monday for my fourteen week appointment so I plan on talking to them about it if I feel any symptoms. Not gonna screw around with getting sick. Summer's been a trooper. She takes her medicine and does her treatment like a big girl. I'll have to treat her to icecream once this cold has been kicked. :)

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